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Five Unexpected Reasons You Need More Grapeseed Oil in Your Life

Extracted from grape seeds as its name implies, grapeseed oil often emerges as a byproduct of the wine-making process during which the grape seeds themselves (otherwise discarded) can be profitably pressed to produce this potent oil. Since each seeds yields a tiny amount, commercialized grapeseed oil is usually extracted chemically, which has a minimal impact on its flavor (light, delicate, and with a delightfully subtle undertone of nuttiness). As most other essential oils, grapeseed oil brims with antioxidants, making it a spectacular formula for both culinary and cosmetic usage.

Here are just five basic reasons you should seriously consider adding essential grapeseed oil to your next purchasing list.


Say goodbye to face-blotting paper towels and toxic free radicals…

The bearers of oily skin don’t normally look for solutions that include slathering even more oil on their faces. Ironically enough, that is exactly what leading holistic skin care experts would recommend. Not just any sort of oil, however; grapeseed oil actually helps to regulate your body’s natural oil production. Infused with high levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants, this delicate oil has proven to be as refreshingly skin-brightening as it is soothingly moisturizing. Celebrity facialist Cecilia Wong swears by grapeseed oil as a primary ingredient in her replenishing facial moisturizers, especially praising its soothing anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which make it ideal even for dry, itchy, and red skin.



Say hello to soft, supple skin…

As a lightweight oil that’s admirably non-greasy, effortlessly absorbed, and extremely nourishing, consider this an excellent elixir for minimizing the damage caused by free radicals and delaying the aging process. Bursting with skin-soothing linoleic acid—which has been shown to also fight carcinogens, cardiovascular diseases, and weight gain—grapeseed oil serves as a rejuvenating salve that results in the reduction and prevention of age spots, stretch marks, sunburn, and wrinkles. Also rich in vitamins and minerals, it heals and prevents cell membrane related injuries, and is therefore often used to reduce swelling after surgeries or injuries, to treat skin conditions such as acne and eczema, and to counter the sun’s damaging effects.

For a rejuvenating massage oil: 3 tbsp. jojoba oil + 2 tbsp. grapeseed oil + 8 drops essential oil of choice.

For a nourishing bath oil: ¼ cup grapeseed oil + ¼ cup olive oil + 10 drops essential oil of choice.

For a delicious body scrub: 3 tbsp. cocoa powder + 1 cup Manuka honey + 1 cup brown sugar + ½ cup grapeseed oil.[i]


Say hello to lovely, luscious, lustrous locks…

We’re talking about hair that would make Goldilocks and Rapunzel throw a temper tantrum after realizing that their own locks appear straggly in comparison. Antioxidant-rich and bursting with Vitamin E, grapeseed oil helps to restore the strength and luster of your hair, as its components also serve to block the production of the hormones DHT and cortisol, which can both cause hair loss for different reasons. Trade your shedding strands for healthier hair that speaks volumes—literally—with its newfound glossy sheen and healthy thickness.

 Image result for hair gif


Say goodbye to dandruff and dermatitis…

Healthy healed skin is no place for dermatological conditions to fester. You won’t be plagued by a dry, flaky scalp for long after treating yourself with grapeseed oil. The nutrients and emollients therein can dramatically promote the growth of healthy skin cells.

  • To treat dandruff or dermatitis: Dab your fingers in grapeseed oil and gently rub them directly against your scalp in a circular motion, hydrating your pores and rejuvenating your skin while promoting good blood circulation.
  • To treat hair loss: Mix a few teaspoons of warmed grapeseed oil with 1-2 drops of jojoba oil; massage it gently into your scalp. Wrap a towel around your head overnight and wash it out in the morning.[ii]


Say hello to easy cooking…

For culinary purposes, ensure that you purchase grapeseed oil that is clearly labeled as food grade; some cosmetic oils are stabilized with chemicals that are unsafe to consume, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Grapeseed oil has a commendably high smoking point (even higher than olive oil), meaning that you can safely fry or sauté with it. Thanks to its cooperative emulsifying properties and inconspicuous flavor which can easily be jazzed up with herbs and spices, it’s a reasonable choice for creating dressings and sauces. Store it in a cool, dry place along with the rest of your cooking oils collection; if used rarely, you can safely refrigerate it as well (it may congeal slightly, but it’ll definitely last a lot longer).

BBC recently shared several mouth-watering recipes featuring grapeseed oil, including this delectable marinade based on grapeseed oil, included in a BBC-hosted recipe of grilled lamb steaks with braised fennel, by Michel Roux Jr. (full recipe in the link):

  • 2 tbsp. grapeseed oil
  • 2 chopped garlic cloves
  • 1 inch fresh ginger root, peeled and grated
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 6 tbsp. light soy sauce
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil

For a more everyday dish, grapeseed oil serves as a spectacular base for a light yet flavorful and antioxidant-filled salad dressing, as shared by The Flaming Vegan:

  • 1 ¼ cup grapeseed oil
  • ½ cup lemon juice
  • 4 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 tsp. ground mustard
  • Dash of oregano
  • Sprinkling of chopped basil leaves
  • Dash of crushed bay leaves (optional)



Say goodbye to toxic free radicals…

This choice of oil is especially enticing once you realize that it harbors a very healthful ratio of fats: only 10% saturated, 16% monounsaturated, and 70% polyunsaturated. It’s chock-full of omega-6 fatty acids, some of which have been shown to reduce cholesterol and inflammation.[iii] It also boasts double the amount of Vitamin E found in olive oil; long heralded as an immunity booster, studies have shown that a diet rich in Vitamin E can markedly improve the decreased cellular immunity associated with aging and during the development of AIDS, decrease the risk of tumor formulation, and induce an earlier recovery of thymic atrophy (i.e. following X-ray irradiation).[iv]


The Essence of Balance

The history of grapeseed oil’s medicinal uses pays tribute to the concoction’s timeless benefits; ancient Greek philosophers and Egyptian healers alike praised the healing powers of grapes, with the plant’s sap, leaves, and oil used to treat a spectrum of health issues ranging from cholera and smallpox to eye infections and liver diseases. Good evidence supports grapeseed’s treatment for chronic venous insufficiency and the promotion of cell growth.[v]

Too much of a good thing can turn corrupt even the most nourishing elixir, of course, so use with caution. If you’re planning to use grapeseed oil as a beautifying or moisturizing skin product, apply a bit topically on your body before using if for your face. Ensure that you don’t have a respective allergy. Regarding the consumption of this oil, confirm with your physician if you have allergies or are taking other supplements or drugs—particularly blood-thinning medicine used to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.





